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  5. Beyin ve Omurilik Anatomisi
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  • #21019

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    şifre : veterinerhekimiz.com




    Sheep Brain — Ventral View

    Numbered components on the ventral surface of this sheep brain belong to rhinencephalon, the ventral region of the telencephalon. Identify olfactory bulb (2), lateral olfactory tract (3 & 6), medial olfactory tract (4), and piriform lobe (7). (Label 5 = rostral perforated area). To view a canine rhinencephalon,



    The rhinencephalon is seen in this vental view of a canine half brain. The lateral rhinal sulcus (blue pics) separates rhinencepahlon from the neocortex. Observe the olfactory bulb (white pic), olfactory peduncle (orange), medial (yellow) and lateral (red) olfactory tracts and the piriform lobe (green).



    Canine Half Brain — Dorsal View

    Sulci and gyri are evident on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere. The cruciate sulcus (red pic) marks the location of the motor area, found in the postcruciate gyrus (yellow pic). The body sensory area (somesthetic area) is beside the coronal sulcus (blue pic). The primary visual area (orange) and the primary auditory area (green) are marked.



    Canine Brain — Lateral View

    The cruciate sulcus (red pic) and the postcruciate gyrus (yellow) are the location of the motor area The somesthetic area is marked by the coronal sulcus (blue). The green pic marks the primary auditory area (sylvian gyrus). The red pic is in the primary viaual area. Olfactory cortex is in the piriform lobe (white pic).



    Equine Brain — Median View

    The right half of a dissected equine brain is showm in median view. The dorsocaudal part of the telencephalon and the medial wall of the lateral ventricle have been ablated. The lateral ventricle is visible between the corpus callosum and fornix. (Labeled diencephalics structures include: habenular nucleus (red pic), interthalamic adhesion (3), third ventricle (4), optic chiasm (white), and mamillary body (blue).



    Sheep Brain — Medial View

    In this median view of a sheep brain, labeled telencephalic structures include: rostral commissure (black thread) located in the lamina terminalis; corpus callosum (extending from 1 to 2) and cingulate gyrus (4). Also labeled are: pineal body (blue pic), the interthalamic adhesion (pink), third ventricle (yellow pics), mesencephalic aqueduct (red), fourth ventricle (green).



    Canine Brain Section

    The telencephalon is shown in this transverse section through a canine brain. Cerebral cortex forms surface gray matter while deep gray matter constitutes basal nuclei (caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, etc.). White matter (stained blue) is deep to the cortex. Notice the white matter commissure (corpus callosum) passing between the two hemispheres. White mater squeezed between basal ganglia is called internal capsule. The lateral ventricle is bounded laterally by caudate nucleus, dorsally by corpus callosum, and medially by the septal region (septum).



    Sheep Brain — Ventral View

    The ventral surface of the diencephalon features three structures in rostro-caudal order: optic chiasm (green pic), infundibulum (orange), and mamillary bodies (red). The infundibulum is a hollow stalk that connects to the neurohyphysis, which is missing in this specimen. Non-diencephalic structures also labeled in this specimen are: crus cerebri (yellow), pons (white), trapezoid body (blue), and pyramid (green).



    Dissected Sheep Brain — Dorsal View

    The telencephalon has been dissected to reveal the underlying diencephalon, including: thalamus (pink), habenular nuclei (red), pineal body (yellow), and third ventricle (green). Also labeled bilaterally are: midbrain rostral colliculus (white) and hippocampus (blue) and caudate nucleus (orange) of the telencephalon.



    Canine Brain Section

    The diencephalon is at the center in this transverse section through a canine brain. Visible are: habenular nuclei, thalamus, hypothalamus, tuber cinereum (which gives rise to the missing infundibulum & neurohypohysis), and optic tracts.



    Equine Brainstem — Dorsal View

    A dorsal view of the equine brainstem is illustrated (part of the left side has been cut away). The rostral colliculus is marked by an orange pic; the caudal colliculus is immediately caudal to it. The bilateral colliculi are connected across the midline by commissures. Trochlear nerves decussate in the rostral medullary vellum, just caudal to the commissure of the caudal colliculus.



    Canine Brain Section

    The mesencephalon (midbrain) is at the center of this transverse section through a canine brain. Notice the mesencephalic aqueduct near the center of the midbrain. Rostral colliculi occupy the tectum, the region dorsal to the aqueduct. The fiber bundle at the ventral surface of the midbrain is crus cerebri. Substantia nigra is dorsal to the crus and further dorsal is midbrain tegmentum. (The bilateral gray “ears” are medial geniculate nuclei of the diencephalon.).



    Equine Hindbrain — Lateral View

    The cerebellum is seen from a lateral view. The red pic is in the primary fissure (the first fissure to develop embryologically); it divides the cerebellum into cranial and caudal lobes. The green pic indicates the flocculus of the cerebellar hemisphere. The middle cerebellar peduncle is composed of transverse pontine fibers entering the cerebellum.



    Equine Hindbrain — Lateral View

    The cerebellum is seen from a lateral view. The red pic is in the primary fissure which divides the cerebellum into cranial and caudal lobes. The green pic indicates the flocculus of the cerebellar hemisphere. The middle cerebellar peduncle (orange) is composed of transverse pontine fibers (blue) entering the cerebellum.



    Equine Metencephalon — Rostrolateral View

    The cerebellar vermis and left cerebellar hemisphere, including the flocculus, are visible in this rostrocaudal view of an equine metencephalon. Transverse pontine fibers of the pons form the middle cerebellar peduncle, through which the trigeminal nerve exits.

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