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  4. Anatomi
  5. Beyin ve Omurilik Anatomisi
5 yazı görüntüleniyor - 31 ile 35 arası (toplam 35)
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  • #75794


    Spinal Cord Blood Supply – Transverse ViewThe arterial blood supply to the spinal cord comes from a ventral spinal artery and paired dorsal spinal arteries. The ventral spinal artery supplies most of the spinal cord and damage to the artery can be quite debilitating. Click to see a longitudinal view of the ventral spinal artery.



    Spinal MeningesDrawing of a spinal cord segment enclosed by meninges: dura mater (blue), arachnoid (pink), and pia mater (purple). Bilaterally, the spinal cord segment gives rise to dorsal and ventral spinal roots (green) that unite to form a spinal nerve (yellow). The roots are composed of rootlets. A spinal ganglion is located distally on the dorsal root. Both the spinal cord (CNS) and the spinal roots (PNS) are enveloped by meninges, each root is in a separate meningeal sheath. Meninges are replace by connective tissue (epineurium, perineurium, endoneurium) at the level of the spinal nerve. Each spinal nerve gives rise to four primary branches.



    Denticulate LigamentsDura mater (blue) is incised and reflected bilaterally. Arachnoid (pink) is removed except at the top. Pia mater (not shown) covers the spinal cord and spinal roots (green).

    Denticulate ligaments (purple) are bilateral thickenings of the collagen component of pia mater. Periodically each denticulate ligament has a lateral extension that attaches to dura mater and thus provides a means of suspending the spinal cord in subarachnoid fluid within the subarachnoid space. [Denticulate = L. small teeth].


    kusura bakmayın yordum ama çok yardımcı oldunuz elinize emeginize saglık teşekkür ederim


    çok iyi aslında ama türkçesi olsa daha iyi olurmuş teşekkürler =)

5 yazı görüntüleniyor - 31 ile 35 arası (toplam 35)
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