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  4. rumen epitelinde transport mekamizmaları yardım lütfen
3 yazı görüntüleniyor - 1 ile 3 arası (toplam 3)
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  • #16888

    arkadaşlar fizyolojiden ödev verdiler..konu rumen epitelinde transport mekamizmaları..hiçibişi bulamadm..yardım edersenz sevinirm.


    The Guelph sheep experiment was the first report on the form and structure of the rumen wall for animals faced with a high-carbohydrate diet under heat-stress conditions. The rumen wall lining not only protects the animal from the rumen’s contents but also serves important functions. These include absorption and transportation of nutrients to the bloodstream and some metabolism of volatile fatty acids.


    saol arkadaşm..

3 yazı görüntüleniyor - 1 ile 3 arası (toplam 3)
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